Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Start of a New Beginning

Today is a new day. Each and every day given to us is a gift from God that we should not take for grantide. This week I started my new beginning as a stay at home mom for my 7 year old and 9 year old sons. I have worked since I was 16! I took off a short time when my oldest son was a baby because he had colic so bad, but I went back to work when he was about a year old. This is a new beginning because I am a student at our local university and hope to graduate in August. (I really need to be working on my research instead of doing this blog, but this is a creative outlet that I need for me right now...) Our situation is very unique. My youngest son has Autism. We've been trying to help him since he was 2 yrs old. My oldest son probably has Aspergers because he is so, so smart, but has a hard time with social skills. Same goes for my husband. He is a good man and a hard worker, but I have to help all three of them keep things in perspective. In doing so, I lose my perspective sometimes and wonder if the longer we've been married, the Asperger's may be "rubbing off" on me...lol!!! Now, I will work on creating a more established order in the house, finish my senior project, and study God's Word. He has great and mighty plans for us. We do not know what those plans are right now, but I believe that staying at home will help me find that quiet time to listen and learn. He has been shaping us through so many situations lately. It seems as if we can't catch a break, but God is still in control and I have to learn to hand the situation over to Him and not even worry about it. I'm a fixer by nature, but have learned I can't fix every situation and some, I shouldn't even try too, all it does is stress me out more. So, today I become a mother, a wife, a student, a cook, a maid, a lawn keeper, a nurse, a counselor, a listener, and pray that this all brings glory to God our Father...the maker of heaven and the earth. I hope to blog our interesting and unique journey to help others possibly, or basically just to help myself by writing a bit about my feelings. Guess that's all for now. I hope in the days and months ahead, you can laugh with us, cry with us, and see Christ evident in the way we walk our walk and not just talk the talk. Enjoy!

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