He was playing
'very nicely', (I'm sure going about 100 miles an hour) and just happened to trip and fall...well, that led to pain, and then he couldn't walk, so I had to tote him, give him piggy back rides, motrin, ice, anything to keep him from whining! I don't know if it's the autistic thing or not, but when he gets hurt, it's like he gets mad because he can't do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. But, it's also like he gets a sort of "high" from endorphines or something from being in pain. He has been soooooo hard to control!!!!!! The instant that cast was put on his foot, it was like a miracle happened...he couldn't twist, crack and grind his foot, so he started to relax. It's almost like when he gets really stressed and you squeeze him tight and give him that deep pressure for a couple of minutes it calms him down...it's kinda like his foot had deep pressure and was releaved. I know I sure was when they put the little boot on him and he walked out to the car. It has been quite the summer already!!! The boys got mohawks...I'll have to post pics later, but they learned that they didn't want to look "that kind of cool"....it was so funny when we left the dr office, Brady looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm not a bad kid, so I don't want my hair like this anymore...I want mine cut off like you did Connor's :)" Hopefully lessons learned early in life will take them into their adult years.
My brain right now feels like the Robert Frost poem I learned in 4th grade (Stopping by woods on a snowy evening)..."The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep...." Yes, I do have many miles to cover in the next couple of days...senior project meeting tomorrow, another paper almost finished...trying to just keep trucking along and keeping those promises I made myself even when obstacles come in the way. God has a reason and a purpose for everything under heaven happening the way that it is, so I'm just going to be accepting of that and do the best I can with what I've got :) Have a great day folks!!!!